Saturday, June 30, 2012

Double Walls for fun! - Chips-and-Dips bowls

Chips-and-Dips Bowl - Detai
  Today, while visiting my parents and looking at the lovely gifts I had made them over the past year, my mom told me I should share them and inform everyone that things like this, although not available on Etsy, can be made to order.

Also, I wanted to share that these are very simple ways to apply the double-wall throwing method.  Of course, YouTube can show you a lot of different and more complex ways to do it. And there are tons of fancy double-wall forms that can be made, such as vases. As a matter of fact when I first delved into double-walls I wanted to make double-walled goblets where I could carve away the outside and reveal the inner cup.  I threw about a dozen of them before I finally got it down.  After that I tried to think of different ways to explore double walls.  I don't know about you, but I get my best ideas when driving (especially back and forth between my parents house and my place in Berkeley). I started to wonder why the inner cylinder couldn't be at varying heights, maybe taller than the outer one perhaps. And why the outer cylinder couldn't fold into or out from that inner one.  The results of these experiments are pretty awesome and will be posted in time.

Glazed with Waxing Brown over the outside and drips of Bronze Blue-Green Matte on the center bowl
Chips-and-dips Bowl

But, these are what came out of the more mundane applications of the double wall.  Functional and simple, the chips-and-dips bowl specifically came out of playing on the wheel.  I often have no idea what I'm going to make when I first center the clay. I simply let it become whatever it's going to be. The chips-and-dips bowl is not original, but definitely fun and definitely easy to execute. The experienced potter could probably throw it in 5 minutes.

The Chicken roaster on the other hand was the result of a request for this type of form.  My step-dad wanted something he could stick a roast a small chicken on, over beer in the center cylinder.  The only downside of this piece is that given the fact that it is ceramic (cone 6) it will likely not withstand the high and sporadic heat given off my a BBQ grill.  However, it would be just fine for an oven, and could probably go up to about 350-400 degrees without issue.

To sum up, double wall is fun and simple. In fact, I'm finding it more difficult to throw single walled now! I'm finding more and more ways to apply double walls to my work. And these two pieces, which are fun and simple gifts are examples of two easy ways to do it.

Chicken Roaster - Detail
Chicken Roaster

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